Rassegna Stampa. Europa e non solo sui giornali del mondo
China now encourages childbirth. The Chinese government had a one-child policy
Two Chinese academics have proposed a controversial idea to encourage childbirth as their country faces an ageing population: Make people childless people or parents of just one child pay into a “maternity fund”. The two academics made their suggestion in Tuesday’s edition of the state-run Xinhua Daily, calling for those below the age of 40 and with fewer than two children should contribute annually to a fund that would offset childbirth costs for others. The suggestion sparked a furious social media debate in a country whose people faced drastic family planning policies under the Communist Party, which enforced a one-child policy for decades.
Google, Staff worry they have been unknowingly working on project ‘Dragonfly’
Staff worry they have been unknowingly working on project ‘Dragonfly’ to develop technology helping Chinese government withhold information from citizens. Hundreds of Google employees have written to the company to protest against plans to build a censored version of its search engine for China and demand more transparency to understand the ethical consequences of their work. China has the world’s largest internet audience but has frustrated US tech giants with content restrictions or outright blockages of services including Facebook and Instagram. Google’s interest in bringing search back to China came to the forefront earlier this month, when reports surfaced that the company was working on a search app that restricts content banned by Beijing.
Air France-KLM :Benjamin Smith nommé directeur général
Le conseil d’administration (CA) extraordinaire d’Air France-KLM, qui s’est réuni jeudi 16 août, a désigné le nouveau dirigeant de la compagnie aérienne. Le Canadien Benjamin Smith remplacera Jean-Marc Janaillac, qui avait démissionné de ses fonctions de PDG en mai, après un vote-sanction du personnel sur les salaires. « Il sera chargé en priorité de redynamiser Air France, de donner une profonde impulsion stratégique au groupe, et de travailler avec les équipes à une nouvelle approche managériale », déclare Air France-KLM dans un communiqué.
Kabul, Afghanistan. Taliban attack at the education center Mawoud Academy on Wednesday
Officials said more than 30 people were killed and dozens were wounded in Wednesday’s attack.The teenage students were lowered into a mass grave one after another, shoulder to shoulder — just as they had sat at their lecture hall the day before. A suicide bomber, perhaps no older than they, had walked in as their algebra class ended and physics was about to begin, detonating his explosive vest and turning the university prep center into a scene of carnage. The attack was claimed by the Islamic State, its latest in a brutal string of bloody bombings against civilian targets, everything from mosques to schools, and even a midwife training center. The Islamic State’s hold on Afghan territory was never large, and has been slipping, but its cruel brand of bloodshed has compounded Afghans’ suffering during years of war against the Taliban. The Kabul school’s casualties were just a small fraction of the relentless bloodletting by a resurgent Taliban in the past week, when attacks took the lives of several hundred Afghans, security personnel and civilians.
Équateur, les Vénézuéliens doivent présenter leur passeport
Jusqu’à présent, les Vénézuéliens ne devaient présenter que leur carte d’identité à leur arrivée en Equateur, mais l’ampleur de la vague de migration pousse le pays à changer les règles. L’Equateur, confronté à une vague de migration massive de Vénézuéliens, cherchant à échapper à la crise socio-économique de leur pays, exigera à compter de samedi que les nouveaux arrivants soient titulaires d’un passeport, a annoncé, jeudi 16 août, le gouvernement.
Le Monde (Video) Tutoriel comment empêcher Google d’enregistrer vos déplacements?
Contrairement à ce qu’on pourrait croire, désactiver l’historique de géolocalisation sur les applications Google (comme Google Maps) ne permet pas de se déplacer sans laisser de traces. C’est ce qu’affirme une enquête d’Associated Press parue le 13 août, qui montre que la firme américaine continue de conserver des coordonnées géographiques de l’utilisateur. Un problème qui peut concerner les deux milliards de propriétaires d’appareils fonctionnant sous Android, et les centaines de millions de personnes qui utilisent des applications Google sur iPhone. Pour y remédier, il faut désactiver une très discrète option nommée « Activité sur le Web et les applications ». Voici comment procéder.
The New York Times (Video) How Ants Avoid Traffic Jams
Ants have a lesson for humans on how to be more productive: Less is more. Here’s the ingenious trick the insects deploy for maximizing efficiency.
MSNBC Daily Omarosa releases tape of Lara Trump offering campaign job
Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman discusses a secret recording of her interaction with Lara Trump, who offered her a $15,000-a-month campaign job after leaving the White House. The tape was released exclusively to MSNBC. Watch her discuss with Craig Melvin.
MSNBC Daily Omarosa says new tape proves Team Trump tried to buy her off
Omarosa has more receipts. She released another secretly recorded tape that appears to show Team Trump offered her a $180K salary for a campaign gig after she was fired from the White House. Kimberly Atkins, Ashley Parker, & John Heilemann discuss.
MSNBC Daily Brennan: Trump’s increasing erratic behavior
John Brennan says that he believes the president’s increasingly erratic behavior is because special prosecutor Robert Mueller’s investigation is closing in on the president and people close to him. Mieke Eoyang, Ron Klain and Stuart Stevens join Lawrence O’Donnell.